1-If you wait to be happy you will wait for ever,but if you stsrt to be happy you will stay happy for ever.
2-Days begin with hopes and ends with dreams, every day starts with some expectation, but every day surely ends with some experiences.It's life feel it.
3-Once a wise man asked God;"What is the meaning of life?" God replies,life itself has no meaning in itself,it's only an opportunity to create a meaning for it.
4-Don't get upset with the problems in life.Life is like a road and problems are speed breakers.They save us from bigger accidents.
5-Definition of Human being;A creature that cuts trees,makes paper and write "SAVE TREES" upon it.
6-World is not a parking place,It is a racing track.keep on moving, no matter when and where you to start from, think only to reach to the goal and make a new record.
8-Happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have.It solely depends on what you think.
good ideas zaid bhai