Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Alcohol Defames Even Dignitaries

The common point in the two recent cases of sexual advancement allegedly involving two highly decorated personalities in the country is that both the accused were drunk while committing the alleged crime. Tarun Tejpal’s email to the female complainant, stating that his “lapse of judgment” was nothing but “a drunken banter” has got much space in media. In the other case involving Justice (Rtd) AK Ganguly, the law intern in her affidavit has alleged that the Justice had consumed some wine and Bacardi white rum before molesting her. The two pieces of news have been and are still hitting headlines and simultaneously kicking off a new set of discussion regarding safety of women especially at workplaces. Media, lawmakers, leaders and above all common citizens are busy discussing the loopholes in the existing laws in this regard along with the possible ways to plug them. But none of them is paying heed to this alcohol effect which, in fact, is the key player behind many crimes.
Alcohol is believed to be the mother of all evils. It erases the line between humans and beasts. The Qur’ān (5:90-91) says alcohol is a tool of Satan which he uses to create enmity and hatred among people. Alcohol pushes down a man from the zenith of honour to the nadir of humiliation. Absolutely, Justice Ganguly and Tejpal were among dignitaries but this damn alcohol took away all their respect and prestige within seconds. Obviously, the law will take its own course in this regard but what a common man can observe is that the two accused are facing grave humiliation because of consuming alcohol. At the juncture one may say that it is not Ganguly or Tejpal who committed the alleged crime but it was only sips of alcohol that took them to the crime. Indeed, alcohol consumption is solely responsible for most of the crimes, especially those against women.
A report of National Crime Record Bureau reveals that a total of 10,0025 deaths in 2011-12 were reported to have been caused by alcohol consumption. Alcohol related deaths include road accidents, violence, cancer at el. Another report reveals that 85 per cent of men who are violent towards their wives are frequent users of alcohol. If people are really committed to stop crimes against women, they should plug the “biggest hole” instead of discussing the secondary “loopholes”. A simple blanket ban on sale and purchase of alcohol will reduce the rate of crimes. A report compiled by some foreign researchers suggests that only single per cent decrease in the number of outlets that sell alcohol will decrease the probability of rape by 1.75 per cent.

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